Breast Cancer Screening

In Oktober 2018 a joint collaboration was started between us, LRCB (Dutch Expert Centre for Screening), RS Kanker Dharmais and Indonesian Ministry of Health, with the aim to explore the possibility to set up a breast cancer screening project in Indonesia (first as a pilot study).

Prof Ruud Pijnappel from LRCB ( introduced the Dutch experience with his presentation at the 7th ANCCA  congress in Jakarta.

Other institutions showed their interest, like UiN Alauddin and UN Hassanudin (Makassar), UN Pattimura (Ambon), UN Mataram (Lombok), USU (Medan) and UGM (Yokyakarta).

In the mean time the team will jointly develop a feasibility study for the breast cancer screening program in Indonesia and a pilot project.

Project leaders and contact info

Andreas Tan
Mobile: +31653244911

Bert van Geel MD PhD


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