Education and training
- undergrad medical student level; on an annual base: a group of 12-15 medical students for 6 weeks in Indonesia; individual student exchanges at incidental level
- helped with founding master health sciences (UGM)
- investigating possibilities to start a 2 years research master program Infection & Immunity at Eijkman in collaboration with major faculties. Laureates will obtain Erasmus full MSc degree complemented with the degree of home university
- medical specialist level: helped with specialization training medical microbiology (UnDip), plastic surgery (USU)
Research and PhD training for clinical and medical faculties & university hospitals
- 25 of the 58 departments have some kind of collaborations with Indonesian organizations
- we shared 54 international research publications, including 4 Lancet publications, as a result of our collaborations
Website :
Contact : T.L. Raoul Tan Hadinagoro, PhD, KRT –