Progress of elderly care project in Indonesia

Partnering with Desa Emas and Nusantara Zorg Our approach of the elderly care project in Indonesia: In 2017 we signed a joint agreement with PT Abhiseva (part Desa Emas Foundation) and Nusantara Zorg elderly nursing home in The Netherlands to develop a sustainable project that aims to improve the health and well-being of the Indonesian […]

Capacity Building for Indonesian Primary Care Teachers

The aims of this project are: To support 38 Master Trainers in Primary Care Medicine from 18 universities to establish the first 5 Primary Care Residency Programs in Indonesia. To pilot the start of the PCP-training during the internship period to find out whether it holds a promise for speeding up the formation of committed […]

Breast Cancer Screening

In Oktober 2018 a joint collaboration was started between us, LRCB (Dutch Expert Centre for Screening), RS Kanker Dharmais and Indonesian Ministry of Health, with the aim to explore the possibility to set up a breast cancer screening project in Indonesia (first as a pilot study). Prof Ruud Pijnappel from LRCB ( introduced the Dutch experience […]

Education for General Practitioner

Collaboration between Indonesia and The Netherland Project goals IDGNH facilitates collaboration between Indonesia and The Netherlands in the area of education for General Practitioner. Our partner in The Netherlands is University of Maastricht.  Short course in 2017

Plastic Surgical Training Program

Plastic Surgical Training Program for Residents of The University of North Sumatra (USU) Since 1993 the medical teams of department of plastic reconstructive and hand surgery of  the Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam have participate in a  project for reconstructive, burns and lip and palate surgery in Harapan Jaya Rehabilisation Center in Pematang Siantar, North Sumatera, […]

Nurse Oncology Training Thailand

For 20 oncology nurses from Thailand we have organized a training program from 18 till 29 september 2017. After a mix of lectures, side visits and practical trainings the participants were certified. The course was hosted by Amphia hospital, Breda en Fontys School, Eindhoven

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872 Arch Ave.
Chaska, Palo Alto, CA 55318
ph: +1.123.434.965

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ph: +1.321.989.645